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发布时间:2021-06-02 浏览次数:

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鞠明和,男,汉族,中共党员,江苏盐城人。现为中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室 副研究员。2020年博士毕业于澳大利亚莫纳什(Monash University)大学。博士论文《Rock dynamic splitting influenced by weak interfaces: Insights from crack propagation》提名莫纳什大学优秀博士论文奖(2020 Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal)。主要从事非均质岩石动断裂、岩石动破碎与粉碎化、深部动力灾害控制、深部采矿等方面的科学研究工作。截止20213月发表期刊论文18篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI检索论文10  (国际JCR分区一区论文8篇,JCR二区论文1篇,JCR三区论文1)此外,担任行业内10余本高水平期刊(International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology等)审稿人。


2016/112020/10Monash University,土木工程,博士,导师:Jian Zhao教授,李建春教授






1. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,NO. 2017BSCXA18,波动载作用下地下洞室围岩稳定性研究,2017-012018-126万元,已结题,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,NO. 51474208,煤矿巷道锚杆(索)预应力锚固主动约束机理及设计方法研究,2015-012017-1283万元,已结题,骨干参与。

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,NO. 51304208,生态脆弱矿区煤层顶板水井下储存结构及其稳定性研究,2014-012016-1225万元,已结题,骨干参与。



1. Minghe Ju, Xiaofeng Li, Jianchun Li. Large-scale asymmetric pulverisation of fault zone: Insights from rock axial strain in static and dynamic loading conditions. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (2021): 104557.

2. Minghe Ju, Jianchun Li, Qiangling Yao, Xing Li, Jian Zhao. Physical and numerical investigations of bedding adhesion strength on stratified rock roof fracture with longwall coal mining. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources (2021): 7(1), 1-31.

3. Xiaofeng Li, Haibo Li, Guokai Zhang, Minghe Ju*, and Jian Zhao. "Rate dependency mechanism of crystalline rocks induced by impacts: Insights from grain-scale fracturing and micro heterogeneity." International Journal of Impact Engineering (2021): 103855.

4. Minghe Ju, Jianchun Li, Jing Li, and Jian Zhao. "Loading Rate Effects on Anisotropy and Crack Propagation of Weak Bedding Plane-rich Rocks." Engineering Fracture Mechanics (2020): 106983.

5. Xiaofeng Li, Haibo Li, L.W. Liu, Yaqun Liu, Minghe Ju* and Jian Zhao. Investigating the crack initiation and propagation mechanism in brittle rocks using grain-based finite-discrete element method. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (2020): 104219.

6. Minghe Ju, Jianchun Li, Xiaofeng Li, and Jian Zhao. "Fracture surface morphology of brittle geomaterials influenced by loading rate and grain size." International Journal of Impact Engineering (2019): 103363.

7. Minghe Ju, Jianchun Li, Qiangling Yao, Xiaofeng Li, and Jian Zhao. "Rate Effect on Crack Propagation Measurement Results with Crack Propagation Gauge, Digital Image Correlation, and Visual Methods." Engineering Fracture Mechanics (2019): 106537.

8. P.G. Ranjith, Jian Zhao, Minghe Ju, Radhika VS De Silva, Tharaka D. Rathnaweera, and Adheesha KMS Bandara. "Opportunities and challenges in deep mining: a brief review." Engineering (2017): 3(4), 546-51.

9. Minghe Ju, Xuehua Li, Qiangling Yao, Shengyou Liu, Shun Liang, and Xiaolin Wang. "Effect of sand grain size on simulated mining-induced overburden failure in physical model tests." Engineering Geology (2017): 226, 93-106.

10. Xuehua Li, Minghe Ju*, Qiangling Yao, Jian Zhou, and Zhaohui Chong. "Numerical investigation of the effect of the location of critical rock block fracture on crack evolution in a gob-side filling wall." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (2016): 49(3), 1041-1058.

11. Minghe Ju, Xuehua Li*, Qiangling Yao, Dongwei Li, Zhaohui Chong, and Jian Zhou. "Numerical investigation into effect of rear barrier pillar on stress distribution around a longwall face." Journal of Central South University (2015): 22(11), 4372-4384.

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