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发布时间:2020-05-08 浏览次数:





研究领域:土木基础设施系统韧性(Resilience)、节能减排、全寿命周期经济评估(Life Cycle Cost AnalysisLCCA)、全寿命周期环境评估(Life Cycle AssessmentLCA)、风险决策、优化、数据挖掘、Building Information ModelingBIM)、人工智能等



乔亚宁,山东青岛人,williamhill中国工程管理研究所所长、副教授、研究生导师,中国民主促进会党员,江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划“双创博士”。主要从事土木、交通领域研究。曾主持或参与世界银行、美国联邦公路管理局(FHWA)、英国茂特(莫特麦克唐纳)(Mott MacDonald)和瑞典交通管理局 Trafikverket)的多项科研项目。在美国、英国 、挪威等地举办的数十种重要国际会议和研讨会上做大会报告。曾参加英国Highways England道路养护设计方案制订及英国物利浦Low Moor火车站停车场路面设计。有良好的社会关系和国际合作,可为本科生、研究生推荐工作和出国深造的机会。


2011-2015:博士,英国诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham, UK

2008-2010:硕士,瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学(Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

2007-2008:国际交换,丹麦奥胡斯大学工程学院(Engineering College, Aarhus University, Denmark




2016-2018:研究科学家,美国新罕布什尔大学(University of New Hampshire, USA

2015-2016:道路工程师,英国茂特(莫特麦克唐纳)(Mott MacDonald, UK

2012-2013:助理研究员,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学交通运输研究中心(Virginia Tech, USA

2010:助理研究员,瑞典交通管理局(Trafikverket, Sweden


[1]      国家自然科学基金青年项目:雨洪条件下道路整体水分迁移机理与低积水风险道路设计优化原理(24万),2021-2023,项目负责人

[2]      中央高校基本科研基金:透水道路雨洪渗流机理及结构优化(6万),2019-2020,项目负责人

[3]      世界银行项目:莫桑比克桥梁洪水破坏模型及网络分析(1256484$30,000),2018,项目负责人(Co-PI

[4]      美国新罕布什尔大学基建气候抵抗力研究中心试验研究项目($10,000):洪后道路渗流模拟及破坏方程的建立,2018,项目负责人(Co-PI

[5]      英国茂特(莫特麦克唐纳)商业拓展基金:气候抵抗力在道路设计及管理方面的应用($16,000),2015-2016,项目负责人(Co-PI

[6]      美国联邦公路管理局(FHWA):洪后路面评估(DTFH61-13-C-00022$424,000),2016-2018,主研

[7]      瑞典交通管理局(Trafikverket):北欧NordFoU项目($1,200,000),2010,参与


[1]    Qiao, Y, Zhang, Y, Zhu, Y, Lemkus, T, Stoner, A, Zhang, J, Cui, Y. 2020. Assessing impacts of climate change on flexible pavement service life based on Falling Weight Deflectometer measurements. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 102908.

[2]    Qiao, Y., Dawson, AR., Parry, T., Flintsch, G. W., Wang, W. 2020. Flexible Pavements and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Review and Implications. Sustainability 12 (3), 1057.

[3]      Qiao, Y., Santos, J., Stoner, A., Flintsch, G. 2019. Climate Change Impacts on Asphalt Road Pavement Construction and Maintenance: An Economic Life Cycle Assessment of Adaptation Measures in the State of Virginia, U.S. Journal of Industrial Ecology. DOI: 10.111/jec.12936.

[4]      Qiao, Y., Dawson, A., Parry, T., Flintsch, G. 2019. Life Cycle Cost of Flexible Pavements and Climate Variability: Case Studies from Virginia. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 1-17.

[5]      Qiao, Y., Dave, D., Parry, T., Valle, O., Mi, L., Ni, G., Yuan, Z., and Zhu, Y., 2019. Life Cycle Costs Analysis of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Under Future Climate. Sustainability 2019, 11(19), 5414.

[6]      Qiao, Y., Medina, R., McCarthy, L., Mallick, R., Daniel, J., 2017. Decision-Tree for Post-Flooding Roadway Operations, Transportation Research Record, No. 2604, 120-130.

[7]      Qiao, Y., Dawson, A., Parry, T., Flintsch, G., 2016. Immediate Effects of Some Corrective Maintenance Interventions on Flexible Pavements, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 19(6), 1-7.

[8]      Qiao, Y., Dawson, A., Parry, T., Flintsch, 2015. G. Evaluating the effects of climate change on road maintenance intervention strategies and Life-cycle Costs. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 41, 492–503.

[9]      Qiao, Y., Dawson, A., Huvstig, A., Korkiala-Tanttu, L., 2014. Calculating rutting of some thin flexible pavements from repeated load triaxial test data. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 16(6), 467-476.

[10]  Qiao, Y., Flintsch, G.W., Dawson, A.R., Parry, T., 2013. Examining Effects of Climatic Factors on Flexible Pavement Performance and Service Life. Transportation Research Record, 2349(1), 100-107.

[11]  Mi, L*, Qiao, L Xu, T, Gan, X, Yang, H, Zhao, J, Qiao, Y*, Hou, J. 2020. Promoting sustainable development: The impact of differences in cultural values on residents' proenvironmental behaviors, Sustainable Development, 28 (6), 1539-1553.

[12]  Cui, Y., Zhu, J., Zoras, S., Chen, X., Bi, H., Qiao, Y., Soleimani, Z. 2020. State-of-the-art review of 3DPV technology: Structures and models. Energy Conversion and Management, 200, 112130.

[13]  Cui, Y., Zhu, J., Stamatis, Z., Qiao, Y., Zhang, X., 2020. Energy Performance and Life Cycle Cost Assessment of a Photovoltaic/thermal assisted heat pump system. Energy 206, 118108.

[14]  Mi, L., Qiao, L., Xu, T., Gan, X., Wang, W., Qiao, Y., Ding, C. 2020. Assessing the effect of non-financial information intervention on promoting group-level energy savings. Science of the Total Environment, 720, 137533.

[15]  Zhang, J. Liu, S., Yao, Z., Wu, S., Jiang, H., Liang, M., Y. Qiao, 2018. Environmental aspects and pavement properties of red mud waste as the replacement of mineral filler in asphalt mixture, Construction and Building Materials, 180. 605-613.


[1]      20201220日,在江苏省土木建筑学会学术论坛上作特邀报告“莫桑比克洪水导致桥梁垮塌风险评估”,江苏省扬州市。

[2]    201911月受邀在荷兰特文特大学作特邀报告“Resilience of Civil Infrastructure”,荷兰恩斯赫德。

[3]      2019920日,在江苏省土木建筑学会学术论坛上作特邀报告“土木基础设施的气候韧性研究”,江苏省南通市。

[4]      20182月受邀在美国加州大学戴维斯分校参加学术交流并作特邀报告“Climate Resilience of Road Infrastructure”。

[5]      2018618日,在巴西圣保罗举办的Industry Workshop - RILEM Technical Committee on Asphalt Pavement Recycling (TC264 RAP) 作特邀远程报告“Economic and Environmental Benefits of Cold Recycling”。

[6]      20181月,在美国交通运输研究委员会年会(TRB)会议上作会议报告“Overview of UCIRC, ICNet, and Development of a Tool for the Assessment of Vulnerability of Roadways to Flood-induced Damage 

[7]      201711月受邀在长安大学公路学院参加陕西省丝绸之路青年学者论坛暨长安大学青年长安学者论坛并作特邀报告 Pavement Climate Resiliency and Sustainability”,陕西西安。

[8]      201711月受邀在TRB分委会AFD30(2) Sustainable Pavement Subcommittee网络研讨会作特邀报告“Decision-tree for Post-flooding Roadway Operation Decision-making”。

[9]      20178月,在美国费城参加土木工程协会会议ASCE International Conference on Highway Pavements & Airfield Technology并作会议报告“Incorporating Climate Variability in Pavement Life Cycle Assessment”。

[10]  20178月,在网络研讨会为美国交通部交通管理局(Federal Highway Administration)作特邀报告“Decision-tree for Post-flooding roadway operation decision-making”。

[11]  20174月,在美国Infrastructure and Climate NetworkICNet)第四届年会暨研讨会上做题为 Post-flooding pavement operation decision-making”的海报汇报,美国新汉布什尔州纽卡斯尔。

[12]  20171月,在美国华盛顿特区美国交通运输研究委员会年会(TRB)会议上作会议报告“Decision Tree for Post-Flooding Roadway Operations”。

[13]  20171月,在美国华盛顿特区TRB会议作海报汇报“Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Accumulated Damage of Flexible Pavements Using Artificial Neural Networks”。

[14]  20162月,在英国利物浦的世界沥青道路基础设施会议上做会议报告“Climate Resilience of Highways: Assessment of Current Practice”。

[15]  201511月,在英国茂特(莫特麦克唐)公司南安普顿总部作特邀报告“Flexible Pavements and Climate Change”(该汇报在茂特全球分部进行网络视频直播)。


[1]    2021-今,Springer Nature期刊Journal of Infrastructure Preservation & Resilience青年编委会委员

[2]    2021-今,Sustainability期刊"Sustainable Pavement Maintenance Management"特刊主编:

[3]    2020年,RILEM沥青材料国际会议技术委员会委员,法国里昂

[4]    2020年,第五届中欧功能性路面设计研讨会(CEW2020)学术委员会委员,中国南京

[5]    2020年,美国National University Transportation ConsortiumUTC)项目基金特邀评审员

[6]    2019-今,荷兰特文特大学(University of Twente4TU Centre “韧性学者”(Resilience Fellow

[7]    2018年,世界道路生命周期评估网络研讨会主持人(co-chair

[8]    2018年,世界道路协会(PIRAC)应对气候变化战略国际研讨会组织委员会委员,中国北京

[9]    2017-今,国际材料与结构研究实验联合会(RILEM)沥青混凝土回收委员会道路全寿命周期评估分委会秘书


[11]Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《Transportation Research Record》、《Road Material and Pavement Design》、《International Journal of Pavement Engineering》、《Structure and Infrastructure Engineering》、《Journal of Testing and Evaluation》、《ICE Transport》、《International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology》、《Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience》等高水平期刊审稿人


[1]    LinkedIn:

[2]      Google Scholar:

[3]      ResearchGate:

Short Biography

Yaning Qiao is an associate professor and director at the Institute of Engineering Management (IEM), School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT). He received his Ph.D. degree from Nottingham Transportation Engineering Center (NTEC), University of Nottingham in 2015. He has had nearly 10 years’ research and practical experience in resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure. His research interests include impacts of climate change on pavement systems, flooded pavement modeling, risk-based decision-making, agent-based evacuation modeling, life-cycle cost analysis, and environmental life cycle assessment.

机会和合作(Opportunities and Collaboration


Institute of Engineering Management (IEM) of China University of Mining and Technology has openings at all levels of faculty positions. Welcome to contact us for any information.


Dr. Yaning Qiao recruits full time Master of Science (MSc) degree candidates in broad areas of advanced civil engineering management methods, including resilience and sustainability assessment, Building Information Modeling (BIM), artificial intelligence and any other related topics.



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